Often, addictions or mental conditions alone might not be the only problem someone is facing. Dual diagnosis, also known as co-occurring disorders, refers to the presence of both a substance use disorder (SUD) and a mental health disorder occurring simultaneously within an individual. This complex condition requires specialized treatment that addresses both the addiction and the underlying mental health condition concurrently.
Scientifically, the relationship between substance use disorders and mental health disorders is bidirectional and multifaceted. Individuals with mental health disorders may use substances as a form of self-medication to alleviate symptoms such as depression, anxiety, or psychosis. Conversely, substance use can exacerbate or trigger the onset of mental health symptoms, leading to a vicious cycle of co-occurring disorders.
When dual diagnosis is determined after examinations the next step is applying our custom treatment. Effective treatment for dual diagnosis requires a holistic, person-centered approach that recognizes the complex interplay between substance use and mental health disorders. By addressing both aspects concurrently and providing comprehensive, integrated care, individuals with dual diagnosis can achieve meaningful recovery and improve their overall quality of life. Contact us today!
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