
ConfidentialityAt Hellenic Practice

At Hellenic Practice, client confidentiality is of utmost importance in our rehabilitation programs. We adhere strictly to professional ethical standards and legal regulations to safeguard the privacy of our clients. All personal and medical information shared during assessments, therapy sessions, and treatment planning is kept strictly confidential.

Confidentiality Private Addiction & Mental Health treatment Greece
Confidentiality Private Addiction & Mental Health treatment Greece

Be treated with privacy

Our team members undergo comprehensive training on confidentiality protocols and are bound by confidentiality agreements. Access to client records is restricted to authorized personnel only, and stringent security measures are in place to protect electronic and physical records.

The importance ofConfidentiality in our treatments

We prioritize creating a safe and trusting environment where clients feel comfortable sharing their experiences and concerns, knowing that their confidentiality is respected and upheld at all times. This helps create a safe and trustworthy environment for our clients to be able to be open to their therapists without fear of distrust and unwanted exposure.

Confidentiality Private Addiction & Mental Health treatment Greece